As before coin: Fraud system | BTC-ECHO


articles have:

only in December last year the DavorCoin (DAV) was offered to customers in Europe and overseas. He has “disappeared ” since February 07. without a trace. What remains are only the advertising of different lawyers for capital market law which you will place an order for the civil prosecution of the operator.

The makers of the DavorCoin (also written before coin) described themselves as the most ambitious Kryto project at all. Were to win prospects, hosted at short intervals, where Raffles each a million dollars and were shortly before Christmas devices of the brand iPhone X and Apple iPad give away. Investors were promised they could saddle 6,000 dollars from the $ 1,000, which lend it the community, 200 days. Who has believed such promises, which was nearly empty at the end. On the Web page, there was even an in-house non-profit calculator with which you could calculate its potential profit. But, there advertised yields are not possible under normal conditions on the open market.

After the discontinuation of the competitor Bitconnect it announced that for the participants as a result nothing would change. Thus, the DavorCoin would have been only to the biggest providers on the market. The operators hoped for many new customers. Bitconnect had to close the doors in January after U.S. authorities with injunctions because of fraud allegations are taken legally against.

The rental platform based on crypto and its own Blockchain ( here the link to the source code on Github ) worked exactly to the day, when there was not enough new investors and a majority of customers suddenly after the announcement of new conditions their Deposits wanted to have back. On the 25 January 2018 the anonymous operator shared with that you could pull off his awarded money well before the end of the investment period. Only 14 days in circulation had to be the awarded funds. Suddenly, the capital, lacked the operators to serve the many investors who wanted to be paid. The course of the DavorCoins (DAV) crashed as a result of initial $170 on less than half a U.S. cent, the Ponzi scheme collapsed, most investors were virtually empty. On Facebook, investors announced their bitter losses to . All nine bucks were suddenly from $4,000. Another user got back whole 23.50 dollars from its deposit in the amount of $ 20,000.

DavorCoin & co.: How can I tell rogue provider?

Other riders occurred long ago in the place of the DavorCoins (DAV), a few days on Twitter and elsewhere have announced after the forced end of the project, there is “ good news ” for us investors. Several new distribution platforms with a very similar concept to the network went directly after the discontinuation of this platform. Who wants to protect, should make sure first and foremost on unrealistic income promises. Greater before the promises and the less the risks warned is, even worse is it comes to the integrity of the project.

 DavorCoin what is also missing on the Web page and what you should look for, is an imprint. Without imprint with cargo-ready address and the name of the Managing Director, there is no way to recover the debts.

In addition, the anonymous makers have successfully protected against a disclosure of their identity. The domain was registered on the name of an IT service provider to the anonymity of domain entries. The actual location of the Web server is hidden by the CDN provider Cloudflare which also protects them from DDoS attacks. The creators are so hard to not find at least with digital media.

What to do as a victim? Whether is worth going to the lawyer specializing in capital market law depends first and foremost, whether law enforcement authorities can be getting hold of the operators of the DavorCoin (DAV). If this permanently should not be the case, you can enforce any legal claims with or without a lawyer due to lack of enemy page.


about Lars Sobiraj

 Lars Sobiraj Lars Sobiraj in the year 2000 began, act as a career changer for various computer magazines. 2006 network policy and copyright law were added to as new priorities. After he led until October 2012, its editorial staff, he is now working in various online magazines on a freelance basis and of course for his own project, In addition, Lars Sobiraj teach dealing with the Internet and social networks to students for sustainable marketing & leadership (M.A..) at the Cologne Hochschule Fresenius. Some time ago, grew the interest in the topic Kryptowährungen fortunately work without the control of central banks. Very much like he wants his part help that bit coin & co. not only for pure speculators of interest are, but also for the woman and the man next door.

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