Bitcoin boom: 720 million euros additional tax revenue in 2017


articles have:

according to conservative estimates of the Blockchain Center the Frankfurt School (FS) of finance & management is the German State for 2017 take additional taxes amounting to €726 million by trading with Kryptowährungen. This corresponds to approximately 1% of the total personal income tax from the year 2016.

Also the Treasury will benefit from the large media attention of the Bitcoin in the next few months. According to a current estimate at least 726 million euros should be taken for the previous year more tax revenue. Based on this estimate is the amount of all blockchain-based assets amounting to EUR 460 billion in 2017. The share of German investors should be doing about 3.5%. In addition the conservative assumption that only 15% of the increase in value be realized taxable income. The result is 2.42 billion euros, which in addition must be taxed by the investors. At an average tax rate of 30% approximately 726 million euros calculated additional tax revenues, as it has calculated Blockchain Center FS.

Who has successfully traded before the turn of the year at the enormous price increases with Kryptowährungen, must at the latest be very careful for the next tax return. Who not fully declared its revenue, can be relatively easily punishable due to the enormous fluctuations and therefore big profits. The German State is responsible for the current state according to the authors. This is now required, promptly “ clear framework for the taxation of Kryptowährungsgewinnen to create “.

The problem: In relation to the tax treatment, there are to date still no final legal classification of blockchain-based assets. For many taxpayers, this caused considerable uncertainties. At a share of the personal income tax of 1% from the year 2016 is without a doubt a given “ urgent action “, such as Klaus Himmer and Philipp Sandner warning hold in their study of .


about Lars Sobiraj

 Lars Sobiraj Lars Sobiraj in the year 2000 began, act as a career changer for various computer magazines. 2006 network policy and copyright law were added to as new priorities. After he led until October 2012, its editorial staff, he is now working in various online magazines on a freelance basis and of course for his own project, In addition, Lars Sobiraj teach dealing with the Internet and social networks to students for sustainable marketing & leadership (M.A..) at the Cologne Hochschule Fresenius. Some time ago, grew the interest in the topic Kryptowährungen fortunately work without the control of central banks. Very much like he wants his part help that bit coin & co. not only for pure speculators of interest are, but also for the woman and the man next door.

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