BitFury wants to remove anonymous Bitcoin transactions | BTC-ECHO


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the Blockchain start up BitFury recently their detection software Crystal presented. She should summarize multiple wallets of one person from different suppliers and help to uninstall anonymize all transactions in the Bitcoin ecosystem. BitFury could support any investigating authorities or tax offices with their software and actively combat the crime . The Bitcoin recipient addresses are matched it with the entries in the social networks, forums, in the Darknet and on other Web pages .

Recently, several software tools under the umbrella term of Crystal were presented by BitFury that started companies as mining several years ago. The most cybercriminals use wallets from multiple vendors to conceal their identity. The software tries to summarize each of the Bitcoin address due to the activity in the Blockchain and the entries on the Web to groups. Not only parts of the Bitcoin Blockchain should this be anonymized uninstall. The hotel’s own crawler (search engines) scour the Web to relevant forums and social networks to establish connections between the individual accounts of criminals. A targeted search for key terms was possible to examine Darknet marketplaces and to determine who owns what accounts. This means that all users who attach great importance to their privacy, are exposed to a high risk according to three scientists, who have published the corresponding white paper in early January. The white paper by Dmitry Ermilov, Maxim Panov and Yury Yanovich can be obtained from here by the way.

The tools are available to the public but only from March 2018 against appropriate payment. The automatic assessment of transactions that should determine whether the money for legal or illegal purposes is delivered should be interesting for all financial services providers or providers of online wallets. If the sender of the transaction in the Darknet, or in the relevant fora has deposited his Bitcoin address, the software will immediately sound the alarm. BitFury wants to create also graphics that visualize the relationship between the accounts and should help to distinguish the good from the bad.


still remains to be seen how effective the self-developed automatic “Bitcoin addresses clustering” the software uninstall can anonymize the transfers. Sure, the project will not fail because of the lack of interest of various authorities and private companies. Besides, now many users of the Darknet to other coins such as locally are dodged, whose spur so far nobody can follow successfully. In addition, private transfers via DASH or by other Kryptowährungen can be realized. The DASH has no great role in underground up to now as opposed to the locally or the BTC.


about Lars Sobiraj

 Lars Sobiraj Lars Sobiraj in the year 2000 began, act as a career changer for various computer magazines. 2006 network policy and copyright law were added to as new priorities. After he led until October 2012, its editorial staff, he is now working in various online magazines on a freelance basis and of course for his own project, In addition, Lars Sobiraj teach dealing with the Internet and social networks to students for sustainable marketing & leadership (M.A..) at the Cologne Hochschule Fresenius. Some time ago, grew the interest in the topic Kryptowährungen fortunately work without the control of central banks. Very much like he wants his part help that bit coin & co. not only for pure speculators of interest are, but also for the woman and the man next door.

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