BitGrail insolvent? -17 million Nano were stolen


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the Italian Exchange BitGrail has to announce tonight that 17 million Nano – stolen him what was yesterday night still a market value of almost €160 million. The question whether the Exchange can survive such a high loss arises. According to its own Nano itself through the attack doesn’t seem to be have been compromised. 

Nano, is traded against a rebrand known as Raiblocks among other things on BitGrail. Prior to its listing on Binance realized the most commercial of Raiblocks/Nano on the exchanges Kucoin and BitGrail. For BitGrail seems to this time be now over:

around 9: 30 last night on the page BitGrail written by, that nano 17 million were stolen. This corresponds to a theft of EUR 136 million after the light Kursfall last night! Since BitGrail is a much smaller Exchange as Bitfinex, Binance or Bittrex it may be possible that the loss of this amount breaks his neck the Exchange.

For this is that the Nano dev team on the part of Bitgrail was asked on the morning of 8 February, whether the Blockchain lattice behind Nano in favour of BitGrails could be changed. This was not only rejected by Nano, but impossible represented as .

Is that BitGrail with regard to Nano is insolvent: while in the database of the exchanges, over 19 million Nano are attributed to the users, there are currently only four million Nano in the wallet of the exchanges.

The Exchange, the police has agreed and tried to solve the problem. They make now, as chat published in a log between the developers behind Nano and Firano written by BitGrail is serious accusations, the dev team behind the Kryptowährung:

due to to xrb bug that caused the node to crash, the attackers forced the system to get double payments for which we have no trace of time offcial due to another bug in xrb explorer. We want to say that the devs refuse to cooperate despite the proposed solutions.

On the other hand is emphasized by Nano that’s here is attack no double spending. The next days will show who is right by both sides. Total is, as always, recommended to pull coins that are not actively used to trading exchanges and store in safe wallets.


about Dr. Philipp Giese

 Dr. Philipp Giese works as an analyst for BTC-ECHO Dr. Philipp Giese and is specialized in the areas of chart analysis and technology. Also he actively engaged in the crypto community – online as a central point of contact in the slack BTC-ECHO channel, as well as offline as a speaker and interviewer he always maintains the Exchange with startups, developers and visionaries. The PhD physicist can draw on many years of experience as a project manager and technology consultant. Philipp delights here not only for the technological dimension of Kryptowährungen, but also for the underlying socio-economic vision for many years.


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