Blockchain Association: German Government sets up Blockchain read


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yesterday we released our assessment the results of the coalition talks for the topic block Blockchain and Kryptowährungen. Also the Blockchain Association has yesterday took a position on the results and issued following press release :

Berlin – in the current coalition agreement between CDU/CSU and the SPD is the distributed ledger technology important role, but there is even more need.

In principle but the document highlights: the German Government welcomes the Blockchain industry and invites them to be, active in Germany.

Here the results and evaluations of the Blockchain Association in detail:

“to tap into the potential of Blockchain technology and to prevent opportunities for abuse” to the Federal Government “a comprehensive Blockchain strategy develop”and is”an appropriate legal framework for Kryptowährungen and token at European and international level trading employ”.

Review: This is an important step, which is to be implemented rapidly. The lack of legal framework for ICOs and other token launches continues to be a big barrier for many Start-Ups in Germany. Only if rapidly here at EU level redress has been obtained, this technology in Europe can gain a foothold. The Finance Committee of the Blockchain Confederation has the regulatory legislation in terms of Blockchain tokens generally and with regard to the much-discussed sales of tokens (“initial coin offerings” or “ ICO”) in particular analysed and will do this, shortly publish a comprehensive statement.

Continue to want the Federal Government “innovative technologies such as distributed ledger (Blockchain) test” to check their use for Government work. In such pilot projects information are collected “so based on this experience, a legal framework can be established”.

Rating: pilot projects are essential to use appropriate standards for the use of a distributed database. Here, particular focus must be placed on the fixed points of any modern transaction: on the one hand the interfaces to public databases are represented with Blockchain and on the other hand, we need legal standards for digital and legal []
identities on the Blockchain. The Committee pilot projects of the Blockchain Confederation has collected examples of such projects and the public authorities are happy to assist in the implementation to the page.

Also “Research” should be placed on “Artificial intelligence, data science, Digital Humanities Blockchaintechnologie, robotics and quantum computing” and the “existing technology programs for application-oriented research to promote “digital advanced technologies such as quantum computing, robotics, autonomous systems, augmented reality (3D virtualization), Blockchain, visible light communication and smart home continue and develop.”

Review: The federal research budget is as big as never. In particular in conjunction with autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and smart homes is a crucial building block for the future of Germany a lavishly financed research on the Blockchain technology.

What is missing? Basically, sandboxing capabilities must be created for the dynamic range of Blockchain so new ideas without artificial barriers can be tried. Only the experiences that occur, may indicate future re Gelation requirements. Without free space is screwed on new ideas with old tools. The results then use the innovators nor the regulators.

This agrees with the Blockchain Federation basically positive BTC echo on the coalition agreement, but also shows where the agreement does not go far enough. It will be also the task of the Federation formed last year with security continues to put the topic in continuous work as advocacy of the German Blockchain scene on the agenda of the Federal Government and the Putting the Blockchain strategy to work.



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