Global crypto regulation for IMF Chief Lagarde “inevitably”
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to view IMF Chief Christine Lagarde the global regulation of by Kryptowährungen “inevitable” is imminent. This expressed it during an interview in the framework of the ongoing world last Sunday Government Summit in Dubai. The head of the International Monetary Fund IMF especially in the dangers of which sees reasons illicit use. After repeated calls for caution and coordinated activities, Lagarde lets renewed warning guess ultimately not only a future intervention of the IMF – but so that one end of the world-wide regulatory patchwork become more likely.
Ask Christine Lagarde, the answer to the question that drives to some leaders these days, already on the table is located. For dealing with the rising influence of Kryptowährungen, is she sure on Sunday on the politics and Technology Summit world goverment Summit.
“it is inevitable. Clearly, this is a field in which we need international regulation and decent supervision”,
so the 62 French interview with CNNMoney . While she warned of “dark activities” in the orbit of the digital currencies.
This need would be mainly in the dangers posed by the illegal use. So, she stressed that the IMF currently actively pursuing efforts to curb the possibilities of money laundering and terrorist financing through digital currencies. This should relate regulators but much less on individual currencies, but rather the people look at who use these. Here it is important to check who use the currencies for what, and whether there were licenses and competent supervision.
LaGarde had already frequently warned the criminal potential of Kryptowährungen in the past. A call to the common regulation is still new.
From Davos to Buenos Aires: Crypto regulation in the highest economic arena
most recently had the head of the IMF last month on the World Economic Forum in Davos on the subject of crypto regulation to Word reported. Here, she reiterated that the IMF is already intensively deal with the opportunities and challenges of Kryptowährungen. Illegal transactions that can be made with the help of Kryptowährungen, were unacceptable. Nevertheless, gave them to bear in mind the innovative strength of currency newbies.
More of US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin or the British Prime Minister, Theresa May had expressed in Davos about. You could turn upcoming regulatory initiatives sound and it followed the echo LaGarde. So, may announced that her Government would deal “very seriously” with the criminal uses of Kryptowährungen.
Meanwhile Peter Altmaier calls Finance Minister Bruno LeMaire with his French counterpart this month to put Krytowährungen on the top agenda of the upcoming G20 Summit. So Germany and France host country Argentina are pushing in a joint letter to the Presidency of the G20, to consider the issue of regulation of Kryptowährungen in the March summit. There, it is important to develop to deal in future with the new aufkommenden crypto-trade international approaches.
Buenos Aires confirmed doing what already announced Davos: Kryptowährungen purposefully find their way onto the big stage of the World Economic Summit.
Worldwide is currently still formed a veritable patchwork overlooking the regulatory responses of individual States. It asks Governments, State institutions and authorities, anything other than a consensus there is about how to handle the digital payment alternatives. The IMF turns now to ensure coordination, this would be a wahrlicher game-changer.
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