Ledger-wallet corrupted by hackers – caution when receiving Kryptos!
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the hardware-wallet Ledger was discovered a security risk. All devices of the manufacturer are affected. Therefore, caution is advised especially when receiving Kryptowährungen with the ledgers.
Also hardware-wallets are not protected against attacks. As you can see his Twitter account ledger, is the hardware before a “man in the middle” attack not sure. This “middle-man” is therefore moves between transmitter and receiver, by faking the maildrop and possibly attacks Bitcoin, ether & co..
When receiving Kryptowährungen with the ledger-wallet, is usually generates a new public key for each transaction. At the ledger-wallets, which takes over the programming language JavaScript. Now, however, the responsible code can be manipulated by malware.
If the affected computer that generates the maildrop is affected, the malware replaces the address with a third-party. Therefore, all transactions to these fake address will redirect. It seems that the malware is programmed that she changed the QR-code as well as the address itself.
Is possible to protect of the ledger
However the users are not helplessly at the mercy of the attackers. So can a button below at the bottom of the “Bitcoin receive” click menus. Then, the maildrop will be shown, which coincide with the on display at the hardware-wallet. But it is working at the moment only in the Bitcoin app. The Ethereum app this feature does not exist at the moment yet.
But there is a safe alternative for the Ethereum app. This must you let run, wants to generate a safe address, the operating system on a CD or a USB stick. As it is stored not on your hard disk, it is independent from malware.
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