New coins


article on the block – bit core (BTX) have:

bit core, we have a relatively “small” coin from Germany. The name reminiscent of Bitcoin, so is the idea of an hard fork arises. Bit cores another approach as well as the idiosyncrasies here this Kryptowährung should be illuminated here somewhat.

A major focus of the new coins the block series coins are on with a high market share capital: we look on coins, which abruptly appear in the top 20, look at it critically and try to determine why this last coin in the months strong rose.

With this edition of the series wants to BTC-ECHO does not move the focus, but complement: every two weeks should be seen on smaller coins, to distinguish from true Shitcoins so Hidden Champions.

The accusation of the shillings can quickly come in small coins. Just as the accusation of undue Verreißens of coins in the room can be vice versa. Therefore be here and for all other posts said that it is not about “Buying recommendations” or similar: it is considered the technology behind the coins and a reasoned assessment of the underlying use case to the implementation and the behind the Coin related team delivered.

At the beginning is to be seen on a coin from Germany: bit core (BTX) is based, as the name suggests, to Bitcoin. Mid-October last year was a sponsored article it published on BTC-ECHO it is therefore high time to take a neutral look at the coin from Germany.

The name bit core, as well as the logo, the Association of Bitcoin arises to so that it is believed an hard fork. It isn’t but a style bit coin cash, Bitcoin gold or other. Rather, it is fork to a mixture of hard fork and airdrop, also hybrid called: the addresses were extracted from the Bitcoin Blockchain and thus as it were a snapshot of the Bitcoin Blockchain, as she looked on the 2nd November 2017, taken as a basis. 0.5 BTX per BTC were credited to all existing and televised addresses. This can be again geclaimt by those who are in possession of the private key for your Bitcoin wallet.

In addition those who more than saved a BTX, participate each week in an address in an airdrop can. To interested parties on the Web page with this address can register. Thereby, each registered address with more than 1 BTX deposit receives distributions every Monday. Currently the airdrop model looks like this:

has been increased the amount by 5% In January, in February to 6% be in March 7% and so on. This to go on so long until the first wallet is empty. You can follow the current status of the same via a bit core Explorer. The airdrop model is, unlike several other in the crypto scene used, interesting, because no values out of nothing are created, but a transparent redistribution takes place.

Bit core works, also bit coin, on the basis of the proof-of-work consensus. Algorithm is used to mining not SHA256, but on a mining algorithm called timetravel10. Timetravel10 is it designed that not with ASICs, but primarily with GPUs can be gemined to counteract such a mining centralization. Blocks are gemined in bit core every 2.5 minutes. Block reward is less than in the case of Bitcoin this shorter block time, 3,125 BTX (plus transaction costs). Within 10 minutes is the amount of the new coins as well as in Bitcoin generated. An adjustment of the difficulty occurs roughly every three hours.

Is still, in the case of bit core to emphasize particularly that bit core segregated witness supports and enables according to things like Schnorr signatures, lightning network, Atomic swaps and effectively larger blocks. In addition the bloom log is enabled, which in the case of Bitcoin for simple processing of transactions (or more precisely to the simplified payment verification . Unfortunately, the role of that all setting feature in the case of bit core at any point explains more accurately.

Bit core – thanks hybrid fork (yet) small Blockchain

because there was no real hard fork is considerably smaller than the Bitcoin Blockchain the Blockchain and is currently about 400 MB. This “news” is to emphasize: should there be a large mass adoption and bit core enjoy great popularity, this would mean every 2.5 minutes at 10 MB blocks that would increase the Blockchain to 240 MB per hour.

Until it is but so far some time must elapse. the blocks are currently a few kilobytes and cover about a dozen transactions in the average. A very rough estimate therefore leads to the conclusion that, adopted a consistent transaction size, starting a transaction volume of 8,000 transactions per minute such problems on the network come to.

For comparison: Bitcoin itself currently has a transaction volume of approximately 150 transactions per minute and even the ripple network provides “only” 1200 transactions per minute to weddings.

Reference projects with bit transmission, B3 and Bitcloud

at first sight somewhat unsatisfactory is that only the first names of the contributors are listed under the item “Team” so that a review of the specified competencies is difficult. Between the teams behind B3 coin bit transmission and Bitcloud on the one hand and bit core on the other, however, are overlapping, so that at least a part of the team behind the Kryptowährungen extensive developer experience can be confirmed in Blockchain technology.

In some places, the website acts something quickly together tinkered, so that several tutorial links can get lost in the nothingness. You missed a bit more technical information, for example, to the mentioned mining algorithm. Also, is the marketing phrases like “#1 payment coin” and the stress of a “second chance”, which now have people who had missed their chance with Bitcoin 2011 too reißerisch, has the character of humbug. A cooling of rhetoric would do well here the page – the introduction reads on their Github clearly quality.

Apart from this side of the coin is certainly interesting and can boast of an active community. In particular, the idea of a snapshot of the entire Blockchain could be a viable option for more fork projects that an important part of the scaling problem maybe not over the long term causes, but at least temporarily the situation through a node hoster small wallet relaxed. Who would like to learn more about the system, please refer to the Web site .


about Dr. Philipp Giese

 Dr. Philipp Giese works as an analyst for BTC-ECHO Dr. Philipp Giese and is specialized in the areas of chart analysis and technology. Also he actively engaged in the crypto community – online as a central point of contact in the slack BTC-ECHO channel, as well as offline as a speaker and interviewer he always maintains the Exchange with startups, developers and visionaries. The PhD physicist can draw on many years of experience as a project manager and technology consultant. Philipp delights here not only for the technological dimension of Kryptowährungen, but also for the underlying socio-economic vision for many years.

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