“NVIDIA: graphics card manufacturer benefits from the mining




according to the the NVIDIA Corporation again clearly could place yesterday presented quarterly to . Sales in the last quarter of 2017 compared to the year before by 34% to $ 2.91 billion. Also the frequent sales of high-priced video cards for the crypto mining has contributed to the positive business development. The stock price attracted significantly after the announcement of the sales figures.

NVIDIA has yesterday announced the figures for the last quarter of 2017 to and clearly exceeded the expectations of analysts. The reason for the good business is the generally high demand for graphics chips. This is true both for games graphics cards as well as for data centers or at the crypto – mining . Miner from Kryptowährungen need high-quality graphics cards, which contain relatively large margins on the sale. Whopping 71% were under the dash with 1.78 billion US dollars more than in the previous year in the books of the producer. NVIDIA’s Finance Chief Colette Kress wanted to commend the crypto scene but not too much. You feel connected as in the past especially with gaming customers. The trends in the Kryptowährungen be ‘ quite variations subjected to ‘, so Kress. That was proved when the company in the past urged its trading partners to limit the sale of certain graphics cards, so that prices were driven more by the crypto-miner in the height.

Share of the good results had the game console Nintendo switch, an NVIDIA Tegra chip is installed in the published in the March 2017. The revenue from the Tegra production climbed by 75% to $ 450 million. The installation of NVIDIA chips in data centers also doubled. In the gaming area, the manufacturer has seen growth of 29%. Only in the automobile business the manufacturer no longer travels with at the top. The group in this area achieved less than 15% growth in the last year. Thus, the results were already the second year in a row under the own expectations.

Also the American tax reform shows first effects. NVIDIA expects even with a tax rate of 12% for the previous quarter, while 17% to the local tax authorities had to be removed in the months before that.


about Lars Sobiraj

 Lars Sobiraj Lars Sobiraj in the year 2000 began, act as a career changer for various computer magazines. 2006 network policy and copyright law were added to gulli.com as new priorities. After he led until October 2012, its editorial staff, he is now working in various online magazines on a freelance basis and of course for his own project, Tarnkappe.info. In addition, Lars Sobiraj teach dealing with the Internet and social networks to students for sustainable marketing & leadership (M.A..) at the Cologne Hochschule Fresenius. Some time ago, grew the interest in the topic Kryptowährungen fortunately work without the control of central banks. Very much like he wants his part help that bit coin & co. not only for pure speculators of interest are, but also for the woman and the man next door.


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