Russia and Ukraine: Read
article be positive news in terms of crypto:
crypto climate improves. Both the Central Bank in Russia as well as representatives of the Ukrainian cyber-police have positive effect on the subject expressed.
While the news regarding Kryptowährungen rather negative were Asia in in the last week, there to report positive things. The Ukrainian Cyber authority as well as the Russian Central Bank took a positive tone in thing bit coin & co.
so after the Ukrainian Government last week published a report on the assets in Kryptowährungen had, a competent authority according to local media now has spoken out for the legalization of Kryptowährungen:
“De facto you can count Kryptowährung to digital money. A unit so that contains a value and is stored on an electronic device. In addition, it is accepted as means of payment and control is ensured through cryptographic protection on their use. Even if the existence and circulation of Kryptowährungen should be based on a pyramid system, the cyber police supports the idea of a legalization of the use and of the mining of Kryptowährungen in the Ukraine.”
explains Serhiy Demediuk, Chairman of the cyber police in Ukraine.
The Central Bank in Russia expressed positive
similar sounds came from the Russian Central Bank, if also somewhat restricted. So Olga Skorobogatova has opted for a permit of mining, Minern however recommended to sell their Kryptowährungen abroad:
“us for speaking out, to allow mining within the Russian Federation. For us, this is quite an activity that applies to promote it. However, the question of how the miner sell their yields is negotiable. We, the Bank of Russia, believe that they still should do so outside the country.”
The utterance is based ultimately on a Bill of the Ministry of finance, which it should enable citizens to act Kryptowährungen in licensed markets.
Despite the outsourcing of sales abroad, the profit realization would still held in Russia, what would not protect the miner before taxes.
The current operations are clearly more comfortable designed in the climate for Kryptowährungen both in Ukraine and in Russia, as it suggest the repeated statements made by last year .
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