SBI ripple Asia: Blockchain consortium of brokers have read above


article: Asia ripple

under the leadership of joint venture SBI Japanese broker start a consortium to promote the adaptation of the Blockchain in the area. Blockchain solutions to increase efficiency and offer better services to the customers. Also would like to start SBI virtual currencies exclusively ripple as Kryptowährung list.

18 Japanese brokerage companies have launched a consortium for advancing the Blockchain technology in their business areas in life. There are among others the online trading platforms, SBI securities and Rakuten securities, as well as conventional brokerage firms like Noruma securities and Daiwa Securities.

The main organizer and driving force behind the project is SBI rib Asia, a unit of SBI Holdings. In addition to the focus on the Blockchain technology and its applications in stock market questions, other technological innovations should be weighed. Costs should be reduced through intensive cooperation of all companies involved in the joint projects.

A project which would more closely track the Consortium is a shared log-in mechanism for customer accounts, using biometrics and other personal identifying information. In addition, artificial intelligence should be used to track trading activity. This could be useful especially for retail investors that would newly enter not always their personal information when they created an account to. The overall processes of stock trading would be so much more efficient.

SBI Asia ripple is a joint venture between the Japanese investment of companies SBI and DLT payment service provider ripple. SBI ripple Asia was established beginning 2016 in order to bring the use of ripple products and services in the Asian market. The company had early last year already led a consortium of banks in the way that should work to spread ripples technology in Japan.

The partnership is emphasized holding by announcing the SBI to list only the Rippple token XRP soon starting Exchange SBI virtual currencies. The Exchange should represent a reliable crypto Exchange for institutional clients of financial services as well as for individual investors in Kryptowährungen, Japan. In the XRP is particularly suitable, since the main focus is the application of the Kryptowährug in the institutional sphere. So SBI VC is also considering to join the xRapid ecosystem – a network, the is currently undergoing growth .


about Tobias Schmidt

 Tobias Schmidt is Tobias Schmidt since August 2017 as editor in the BTC ECHO working team. His studies in the subject of politics and Economics at the University of Münster signed with a Bachelor’s degree and was also active during his studies at the Department as a student assistant. In addition, he gained professional experience in parliamentary work and in strategic communication, before joining in the journalistic trade. Since 2017 he deals with the Blockchain technology, whereby it focuses in particular on the many different application possibilities in politics, economy and society.

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