Starbucks believes in the potential of the Blockchain have



Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson believes in the long run in a great future of Blockchain the company is preparing in the United States currently for mobile payment via Smartphone. There, however, in the long term no role is likely to play the Bitcoin itself. According to Kevin Johnson, was and is a valid currency never be the Bitcoin can successfully be used in retail.

The English-language News Web site diginomica has recently with the current Managing Director of the coffee house chain of Starbucks talk . The team of Kevin Johnson is working currently with Chase Bank, the Chinese Internet service provider Tencent, Alibaba’s B2B platform and other partners on a digital be number platform to improve mobile payment. Also own credit cards in cooperation with Chase and visas were planned, Johnson said in an interview.

The Starbucks Chief Executive believes that the Blockchain technology will play an important role in a few years in the consumer sector. However wants to emit no own coin or financially support an other Kryptowährung. One or more digital currencies will prevail in the end customer segment, which is according to the Managing Director of the ground-breaking concept of Blockchain. Johnson wants to integrate in the medium term the Blockchain and the Kryptowährungen, who have worked through until then, in its own payment platform. He sees his company in a unique position, to develop mobile payment services on a trust basis.

20 years ago, also no one would have had an idea of how much the Internet our lives would affect. Therefore, it was time to raise new issues, to set the right course for the future, so Johnson interview .


about Lars Sobiraj

 Lars Sobiraj Lars Sobiraj in the year 2000 began, act as a career changer for various computer magazines. 2006 network policy and copyright law were added to as new priorities. After he led until October 2012, its editorial staff, he is now working in various online magazines on a freelance basis and of course for his own project, In addition, Lars Sobiraj teach dealing with the Internet and social networks to students for sustainable marketing & leadership (M.A..) at the Cologne Hochschule Fresenius. Some time ago, grew the interest in the topic Kryptowährungen fortunately work without the control of central banks. Very much like he wants his part help that bit coin & co. not only for pure speculators of interest are, but also for the woman and the man next door.

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  • starbucks_shutterstock_397786981:
 ledger wallet protects your Bitcoins


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