Ukraine: Holding politicians Bitcoin worth 180 million euro
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In the course of acquisition by a new registration system have 57 politicians from Ukraine, confirmed Government officials and CEOs of companies that they overall, Bitcoin 21.128 call their own.
21.128 Bitcoin amounting to more than EUR 180 million hold official of the Eastern European State. In the past two years, the 57 members of the Government have registered your Bitcoin as intangible assets.
The official list is clearly Dmitry Golubov in the Werchowna Rada. According to official figures, Ukrainian politicians owned by 4.376 Bitcoin is. In the past criminals were accused of activities in cyberspace, which however have not been confirmed.
The study apparently goes back to a demand of the public to disclose digital assets. So, we were asked the disclosure by officials in the wake of an anti-corruption investigation. To do this, a system was designed. Opendatabot examined data of Ukrainian companies and Government officials.
Regulatory situation in Ukraine not clarified
the regulatory situation for Kryptowährungen is so far not fully understood in Ukraine. So, the Ukrainian National Bank of the Bitcoin does not recognise as a means of payment. Already in August last year the Ukrainian National Bank has criticized that the regulatory proposals of other countries. The definition of “intangible assets” or “virtual goods” gave them not from . Representatives of the Government and the Bank were in September last year, then announced further definitions for the period ahead at . The last message in this context dates November on the announced in the official future tax exemption for Kryptowährungen. A definitive decision but remained to the present day.
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