Union and SPD say: read
article can be Blockchain in the coalition agreement:
the coalition agreement between the SPD and Union negotiated today. But what does the adopted for the future of Blockchain technologies and Kryptowährungen in Germany? We have scanned the paper for keywords.
In the early morning hours of today’s Wednesday’s was finally so far: both major political parties CDU/CSU and SPD were able to get after days and nights of negotiations finally on a joint coalition agreement some – a minimum compromise, how Many find. A look at the details, which have made it into the Coalition Treaty is worth especially messages related to the cutting of the resort, dominated today. We have audited the contract on the topics of Blockchain, distributed ledger technology and Kryptowährungen and put together, what does the new Government in this area.
Chapter digitalisation
in part IV “Offensive for education, research and digitization” is the word Blockchain for the first time in the chapter “Digitization”. It says on the subject of “Digital skills for all citizens”:
“we need an education and research program in all fields of digitalization. As a particularly important we consider interdisciplinarity, innovation and digital sovereignty. We want to strengthen the focus of microprocessor technology and IT security. This occur. more research areas such as artificial intelligence, data science and Digital Humanities Blockchain robotics technology and quantum computing”
The next mention of Blockchain and Kryptowährungen can be found in the same chapter to the topic of “Competitive economy”:
“want to develop Blockchain technology to the potential of and to prevent abuses, We develop a comprehensive Blockchain-strategy and employ us for an adequate legal framework for trading Kryptowährungen and token at European and international level. The cashless payment options should be expanded into the digital age. Anonymous paying with cash must remain still possible.”
Also in this chapter, the Blockchain on the subject “on the way to the digital administration” plays a role:
“in the Federal Government we are innovative technologies such as distributed ledger ( Blockchain ) test, so that based on this experience, a legal framework can be established.”
The section of economy and finance and tax
the next mention of the word Blockchain is again in part VI ‘successful economy for the prosperity of tomorrow”in the chapter economic. On the subject of “Industry”, it says:
“we want the existing technology programs for application-oriented research to promote digital advanced technologies such as quantum computing, robotics, autonomous systems, augmented reality (3D virtualization), “Blockchain visible light communication and smart home continue and develop.”
Chapter finances and taxes the statement that has been made digitisation on the topic of “Competitive economy” in part IV, chapter repeats itself on the subject of “Financial market and digitisation” literally.
What does that mean?
In the chapter, digitisation is taken three times reference on the Blockchain technology. Initially called the Blockchain as one of several research priorities in the field of digitisation. The announcement of a Blockchain strategy of the Federal Government, including a regulatory framework for trading of kryptowaehrungen, which is to be found at European and international level is more concrete. The announcement in the Federal Government to test distributed ledger (Blockchain) found in the same Horn. How exactly such Blockchain a strategy should be worked out and who should be in charge involved, must be seen.
In the chapter economic is called the Blockchain again as a point in a collection, which involves research to promote digital advanced technologies. The paragraph, in which a Blockchain strategy and a Regulation announced by Kryptowährungen this time probably with a stronger focus on the part concerning Kryptowährungen is again the chapter finances and taxes.
The mentioned points quite coax the Blockchain theme on the agenda of the future federal Government, ultimately meaning in practice, must be waiting for of course. The twice called Blockchain strategy at least sounds like a step in the right direction. The two ministries, which will largely be responsible for the preparation of this are the Federal Ministry of transport and digital infrastructure, as well as the Federal Ministry of finance. The latter will be done in the future by the SPD, which last made a young politician with Lars Klingbeil their General Secretary. This is dedicated to network policy and would like to provide on the SPD in terms of digitization. The Transport Ministry meanwhile remains not very good news in the hands of the CSU – if you look at the balance of the last Federal Minister for transport and digital infrastructure.
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