White rating: so cut the Kryptowährungen have



today Weiss ratings for the first time published reviews for different Kryptowährungen. The rating agency would like to make a statement about the creditworthiness of Bitcoin, ether & co. and facilitate the selection of coin investors. It was quite surprising results.

How to determine the intrinsic value of Kryptowährungen? Whereas that on the one hand, which do depend on the value of coins either by the share price, the market capitalization or the daily trading volume (24 h), one hears the Bitcoin – above all from the other side of voices, the Kryptowährungen – flat rate deny any intrinsic value. What the latter argument to keep is, was already explained elsewhere enough .

The U.S. rating agency white goes another way now ratings. She want to determine the value of a Kryptowährung in the form of an assessment which is based on a detailed analysis of the relevant indicators. To countless data of the coins should be evaluated in addition to the price movements and including such luminaries as the technology be trading patterns and followed the team behind the project.

The white ratings is the first rating agency for finance which gives a rating for Kryptowährungen. With determining the creditworthiness of countries and companies that standard & poor’s, Moody occur’s or Fitch from the internationally famous and infamous rating agencies is comparable. In contrast to the large market leaders white is well known and undisputed because of past incidents not rather less . But to what result has come white ratings?

Ethereum well (B) Bitcoin only satisfactory (C +)

of the Bitcoin is with a rating of C + considered – in the school language this would correspond to a rating of “fully satisfactory”. Excellent scoring in questions of security and the spread of the adaptation be carried on. As negative, but included the length of the transaction as well as the high cost in weight. This is clear, that it would give no immediate mechanism in the Bitcoin network, upgrade the software code.

Ethereum comes off better in the review and was awarded a rating of a smooth B – the best ranking in Tableau. Especially in comparison to the Bitcoin impresses common Kryptowährung with a better upgrade technology as well as a faster speed the second best.

A relatively good balance of solid values in all categories is attributed to Steem, for it is awarded with a b. With a smooth D as the worst rating, however, the Nova coin and SaluS projects are made from weak both in terms of technological innovation and adaptation.

“Unfortunately many Kryptowährungen are heavily gehypet and prone to crash. The market desperately needs clarity, which can be done by stable and impartial ratings. We are proud that we are the first, the investors can offer this service to escort them safely by Crypto trading. Our ratings are based on hard data and objective analysis. But, it is certainly trigger controversy as some reviews will surprise people”,

white rating founder Martin Weiss the results commented.


about Tobias Schmidt

 Tobias Schmidt is Tobias Schmidt since August 2017 as editor in the BTC ECHO working team. His studies in the subject of politics and Economics at the University of Münster signed with a Bachelor’s degree and was also active during his studies at the Department as a student assistant. In addition, he gained professional experience in parliamentary work and in strategic communication, before joining in the journalistic trade. Since 2017 he deals with the Blockchain technology, whereby it focuses in particular on the many different application possibilities in politics, economy and society.

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